Gulf Coast Single Sideband Net Preamble

It's 0030 UTC / 7:30 PM Central Daylight Saving Time. ----------  Let's Roll!

CQ CQ CQ This is the Gulf Coast Single Sideband Net.  I will be your Net Control Station for tonight’s session. 
My name is: (Your Name) and my callsign is: (Your Call). I am located in (Town & State).  This net is held
each evening at 0030 UTC on 3925 KHz.  Each night we have a different net control station.

This net has been on the air since 1947, more than 75 years having begun in 1947 as the Gulf Coast Phone Net
on this frequency at this time.  This is a ARRL Registered HF Net.

This net functions as an informal, emergency preparedness net, and for checking out your equipment to verify that
it is in good working order.  While this is an informal net, we do on occasion handle Formal National Traffic
System traffic.

At this time does anyone have emergency or priority traffic? ………….. Nothing heard.

If at any time you do have emergency or priority traffic, use the Pro-Words "BREAK BREAK", identify your
station and the net will stand by to assist you with your emergency.

Do we have anyone with announcements for the net?

Do we have any QRP or mobile stations wanting to check in?

I will call the net in alphabetical order by state, cities, and names.  Periodically, I’ll call for late or new
check-ins from those states I have already called.  At the end of the net, you will have the opportunity to check
in as a new-comer or late check-in to the net.

This is: (Your Call) beginning role call in the state of Alabama.

                                                                                --- Close the net ---

This has been the Gulf Coast Single Sideband Net and I have been your Net Control Station.  My name is:
(Name) and my call is: (Call sign) reminding you to check in tomorrow evening at 0030 UTC on 3925 KHz. 
Everyone have a good night - 73

Updated:  3/11/2024